ROAS Recovery in Car Care


A pillar in the car care space found themselves struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing marketing landscape and paid search best practices. The brand was looking to improve their ROAS and improve their marketing performance so they partnered with Bohu Digital to get their business back on top.

The Problems

The brand, like many others, had a lot of success managing their paid search, but as platforms introduced new changes and competition was getting hotter the brand found themselves struggling to get the ROAS they needed to sustain the channel.

  • Low ROAS
  • Low ad quality scores
  • Unoptimized bid strategy


Paid Search Audit

Bohu Digital took a look under the hood to identify the issues and optimizations the account needed to generate results.

Account Optimization

Bohu got to work optimizing paid search accounts reducing costs while improving performance.

Quality Score Repair

To improve ad performance, Bohu Digital got to work improving ad quality score to win the auction and still reduce costs.

Optimize For ROAS

To make paid search make sense for this car care brand, they had to recover their ROAS (return on ad spend) or abandon the channel. Bohu Digital took their ROAS from less than 1 to over 7 in 90 days



increase in conversion value


increase in ROAS (return on ad spend)


revenue driven by paid search without increasing budget

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