Digital Marketing Flywheel Propels HR Services Company


Milestone is an outsourced Accounting and HR professional services firm serving small and medium-sized businesses nationwide. Milestone wants to be a nationally recognized player in the SaaS + Services Outsourced Accounting and HR industry, a mature and competitive space.

The Challenge

Milestone was struggling to create an inbound marketing strategy and sought the help of Bohu Digital to lead their strategic marketing initiatives, execute on a content and SEO strategy, and run their paid media channels.

  • Needed an effective inbound marketing strategy
  • Low website traffic
  • Low performing ads


Digital Marketing Strategy

Bohu Digital provided the strategic roadmap to create and fill an inbound pipeline, operationalize their CRM and data, and claim market share .

Pillar Based Strategy

Bohu Digital developed a pillar based strategy based on an analysis of organic opportunity and Milestone services. 

SEO & Content Marketing Strategy

Spearheading content initiatives, Bohu Digital crafted the content strategy, outlines, writing, editing, publishing, optimization, and assisted in video production.

Website Refresh

Bohu digital provided the strategic direction and development oversight for the updated and SEO optimized Milestone website.



page 1 rankings in less than a year


of MQLs generated by organic search


organic search traffic

Schedule a Consultation

Meet with a member of our team that specializes in scaling digital marketing strategy.

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